Showcase by Katie Goodfellow
– Anice Jewellery

Katie Goodfellow is the Content Manager, Jewel Dreamer & Assistant Designer of Anice Jewellery. At the end of her fourth year at Ryerson University, she focused her final showcase around her love for design, jewels, styling and female empowerment. For the showcase, Katie created a collection of pieces that would launch through Anice for International Woman’s Day. Along with the collection, she directed and styled a shoot, shot by creative counterpart and incredible talent, Riley Janes. The collection launched within Anice for International Women’s Day, with pieces that were stamped with “GRL PWR” and meaningful quotes, all documenting the strength and resilience of women. 

The showcase included customized jewellery, sketches, photo curation, an artist statement and written work that went alongside her art. It was laid out in a sequence, documenting the process. 

 Read on to get to know a little bit more about our Assistant Designer, her creative process, and why Anice is special to her.


Artist Statement:

My love for jewellery stemmed from an attraction to pretty things. I vividly remember walking into Anice Jewellery and stopping dead in my tracks. I felt as though I had found a place that spoke to me as if I had dreamt it and built it myself. Anice was filled with beauty, and I had an overpowering sense that if I left without talking to the owner, I would miss my chance at being a part of something that I could only describe as magic. Fast forward 3 years, that same jewellery store owner has become my dear friend and my biggest mentor. The shop that used to be a small hub of magic has grown in size but has never lost it’s sparkle. The magic has yet to subside.

Life brings you back home in waves, and I thank the rise and fall of this life’s water for bringing me home to the shop I create my best self within. Recently I’ve been working on incorporating my creations with my love for styling and fashion direction. I am endlessly thankful to Brittany Hopkins, owner of Anice Jewellery, for teaching me all I know about jewelling and for allowing me to have creative input in the entirety of the store. This life would be nothing without human beings who dedicate their lives to creating the beauty that we see, that we feel and that we remember. Please join me in celebrating the women in our lives, the warmth in our lives, and the art in our lives, in its many forms.

– Katie



Photos by Riley Janes, @rileyalexandra.

Header photo by Naim Jutha, @naimjutha.


(S)he who seeks beauty will find it.

I have always been attracted to the idea of art as a personal experience. That something so beautiful and breathtaking to one person, might be something that another person just passes by, without having any sort of impact. I love this idea, because it means that the person who experiences its beauty and see’s its depth, has seen something so personal that no one else will experience in quite the same way. Isn’t it a beautiful idea that in a world built upon repetition, a person could have such a personal interaction, that needs no words or explanation? Isn’t it a beautiful idea that art’s inclusiveness allows for an open conversation that can be contributed to by all?

Something that I love about creating custom jewellery for Anice is that when a piece is made, it is often made with no specific person in mind, but sometimes people are so drawn to something, it’s as if it were meant for them. The way someone will walk into the shop and be instantly drawn to a piece is my favourite observation. The way person after person will pass by a piece, and then all of the sudden the right one will walk in, stop dead in their tracks and pick it up. It’s the personal connection that can manifest through art.

This outlook on art has given me the ability to see creation as a universal existence. The ability to create and make “art” in any sense of the word sees no gender. Creativity is blind to its creator. As we fight for a world where being kind and being generous is more important than the gender that you identify as, I will continue to fight for females everywhere who are strong and powerful and who have been seen as less for too long. Female empowerment is not something I stand for because I am a woman. Female empowerment is something I stand for because I am a human.

I spend my days day-dreaming of creative work. I work hard to make these endeavours possible because when I am creative I am whole. I thrive off of passion; both others and my own. I create because I love to. Although, I recognize that many women around the world create because they have to. They are forced to create in order to survive. To those women, and to the women who are strong and powerful and brave enough to bare their souls in their work, I share this with you.


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